Let’s connect!
PRAY: The most powerful way you can partner with us is through your prayers. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and through your prayers, we believe that God will give us the strength to continue to build His church. Thank you for all your prayers!
SERVE: As Jesus had His 12, we are also looking to create a team with diverse gifts and callings. If God is calling you to be part of a team that is continuing to serve the Kingdom of God through His Church, we would love to have you. Welcome to the Team!
ETHNIC FELLOWSHIP PARTNERSHIP: We are prayerfully seeking ethnic language churches and pastors that are seeking to create an environment for all generations. Free Life Community Church is looking to partner with groups that are ready to embrace our Mission and Vision statements so we can create a church community for both native tongue speakers and English speakers and equip the next generation of Christ-centered leaders while we preserve the gifts that culture and tradition bring to the community